
Input Chip

Input chips represent information, such as an entity or different attributes.

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import { InputChip } from 'materialish';
import 'materialish/materialish.css';


Prop NameDefault ValueDescription
childrenThe contents that are rendered within the chip
classNameAdditional class name(s) to add to the chip
onClickProvide an onClick function to enable the "ripple" effect when a user clicks the chip
onCloseProvide an onClose function to display an X button to the right side of the chip; it is called when the user clicks the X
rippletrueWhether or not to display the "ripple" effect for chips with an onClick prop
iconA Materialish icon element to render in the chip
nodeRefPass a ref to get access to the root node
...restOther props are placed on the root element

CSS Variables

VariableDefault ValueDescription
--mt-baseFontSize1remThe text size and dimensions of the chip are based off of this value
--mt-fontFamily'Roboto'The font family to use for the chip text
--mt-chip-rippleColor--mt-mainColor, #2196f3The color of the ripple will be based off of this value
--mt-chip-backgroundColor#e0dfe0The background color of the chip
--mt-chip-backgroundColorFocusrgba(51, 51, 51, 0.2)The background color of the chip when it is focused
--mt-chip-backgroundColorActive#d9edffThe background color of the chip when is active
--mt-chip-backgroundColorActiveFocusrgba(33, 150, 243, 0.2)The background color of the chip when it active and focused
--mt-chip-textColor#212121The text color for the chip
--mt-chip-textColorActive#005496The text color for the active chip

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